Tennis players and golfers are familiar with elbow
pain. But baseball players, home fix-it enthusiasts and gardeners also
may experience the symptoms of "tennis elbow" or "golfer’s elbow."
Tennis elbow is a painful condition on and around the bony
prominence (epicondyle) on the outside (lateral side) of the elbow.
This location gives tennis elbow its technical name: lateral
epicondylitis. Pain may radiate down your arm. Gripping or extending
your wrist may intensify the pain.
Golfer’s elbow describes a similar condition. The pain focus is the
knobby bump on the inside of the elbow closest to the body (the medial
side), so it is technically known as medial epicondylitis.
Both tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow typically result from
repetitive arm movement. Over-using the muscles in your arm can lead
to tiny tears in the tendons that attach the muscles in your forearms
to the epicondyles. If you continue to do the activity without
allowing the tears to heal, the tendons can become inflamed. This
condition can be caused by excessive use of your arm in long sessions
practicing your golf swing or tennis stroke and in many other
activities, including painting, raking, pitching, rowing, hammering
and using a screwdriver.
If you’ve increased your activity in one of these areas and feel
tenderness in the elbow or pain that radiates down the arm, take some
time off. Stop doing whatever is causing the symptoms. Rest allows the
microtears to heal. If the symptoms are sports-related, you might
examine your technique and equipment.
Conservative treatment usually works. Applying ice helps reduce
swelling. An anti-inflammatory medication, such as aspirin or
ibuprofen, can also help. If symptoms don’t subside in two or three
weeks, call your doctor. You may have to wear an arm brace for some
time. Occasionally, injections of cortisone-based steroidal medication
may be used.
Flexibility and strengthening exercises are effective and will
eventually allow you to return to the activity. You can find more
information on overuse injuries and sprains and strains on this web